Saturday, December 11, 2010


HeyHO! What's up? 
I just went through a freakin' hectic day yesterday. 
Remember I told you I have 2 exams on Friday. 
Yeah, that went well. NOT!! 
I seriously thing I'm gonna flunk both of my finals. GEE I wish I was smarter. Anyway I didn't get enough sleep last night, I was studying all night. I was at the library with my friend I was studying for my Environmental Tech and she was doing her lab report. We were there from 10 pm till two in the morning. I'd probably stayed till morning if only the library was open 24/7. So moving on, we were so hungry when we got home, lucky for us there was still some rice left so we ate it and continue studying. She fall asleep after 30min of reading her notes. As for me, I was still struggle-ling to keep my eyes open and I tell you it's not easy when everybody around you is sleeping. The temptation was extremely out of the ordinary. So anyway, I lost, yeah I know, but the couch was so comfy I can help it. Moving on.. my bio lab practical was at 10am and my Environmental Tech's final was at noon. I was so stressed out but lucky for us, me and my classmate got free pizzas from a random instructor. Then after all the finals I have to do all my study on bio again for Monday. Urghhhh! but it's all goooood. After all the shit it over at last I got to sleep for the rest of the day. Gosh it was soooooo goood. I skyped with my mom and bitchin about my Baju Kurung that she bought me. It's not something I would wear. Seriously, I looked like an old lady. There's no way I'm gonna wear it to my friend's wedding. NO WAY!! I'm gonna sleep all day today. Like 24/7 in my super duper dark room. TTYL <3

Random question of the day:
  • What would you do if your parents bought something for you but you didn't like it? Are you gonna bitch about it or are you take it and forever hold your peace?

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