Friday, April 27, 2012

A minute left.

   In exactly ONE minute its officially April 28th. But I'm not born yet, until its 11.50pm tonight. So yeah, another year passing by. Without my mom, my dad, and my sisters. Just me and my younger brother. I'm very great full ever since I'm a little girl I'm lucky enough to always have a birthday cake every single year. My dad will always came home from work with a cake and a present. Even when my mom and dad were having a difficult time financially. We just moved in our first home after 4 years we lived with my grandmother since we got back from the states. I remember, it was my 8th or 9th birthday, my dad came home with just Wall's Viennetta ice cream in replace for my birthday cake that year. Remembering that year burst me to tears, I can't even express it with words how I am great full to have my awesomess parents around while growing up, to grew up in a loving family, and feel their unconditional love. Every breath I'm taking, every tears I shed, every heartache I felt, every laughter in my life, every smile I see and give, every small little deeds I did, I owe it to them. Nothing I can do can repay what they given me. 

    The last time I was with my mom and dad and my sisters was back in 2008. I was turning 18, huge number for me but I'm still the same little girl that always waiting for my dad to come home with a cake and a present. August that year I started my college life here, I know nothing is gonna be the same. I turned 19 with just Kei and Yeh my only family here. It's not the same but it was as hard I thought it will be. I wasn't expecting anything, but for them to remember and also they are my only family, was good enough for me. The cake tradition  is still there. And I love both of them for that. And as the wonderful years passed by, from 19 to 20 to 21 and tomorrow 22. It has been the greatest and I will remember it as long as my memory part of my brain still good to go. InsyaAllah. 

    But this year is different, I don't want anything I just want ibu and ayah. I miss them so much. InsyaAllah I can keep a huge smile on my face. cause I'm good at it. Had a lot of practice. Wasalam. 

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